Mammoth in the Living Room

In reply to: Jemima, Deer, ‘Inconvenient truths: the psychology of coronavirus and the climate crisis’, The Canary (16/04/20). <> Dear Jemima, I enjoyed your excellent psychological parallel between C-19 and climate crisis. Very neat. As apes our scope for alertness to danger is indeed immediate, small scale. So we cannot grasp on an everyday basis … Read moreMammoth in the Living Room

Tory interview runs on tears

saf2008 27/06/2019 The Gurdian BTL commentJohn Crace political sketch.This is not my writing but so delicious it deserves tribute and conservation. Tonight at the Tory Hustings (kind of) Hannah Vaughan Jones: “Mr Cu… Hunt, why should you be PM?”Hunt: “I will be the first ever PM with a background as an entrepreneur and I will be … Read moreTory interview runs on tears